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JEVI and UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

At JEVI, we have decided that we want to make a difference in sustainable development, and we have therefore adopted three of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

We work with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals on an annual basis by supporting the goals with concrete activities and action plans.

The sustainable development goals that we focus on are:


  • We actively support our employees’ health by helping to fund their sports actives.
  • We support social events for our employees through an active staff association because daily well-being and a strong sense of community is important to us.
  • We offer every employee health insurance.
  • We collaborate with schools and institutions in order to share knowledge and we provide training to students and trainees from higher education institutions.
  • We hire people who are at the fringes of the labour market, with flex jobs and light jobs.
  • We have adopted a secondary school class, whose class pupils visit us twice a year for educational visits over the course of their schooling, ensuring they are better prepared to make choices in relation to their education and employment options after they have finished secondary school.
  • We and our suppliers must accept and comply with the UN’s Code of Conduct as a set of guidelines for operating our businesses.
  • As one of our set targets, we aim to be Occupational Health and Safety certified before 2023.


  • We are ISO 14001 environment management certified and set targets in order to improve our environmental performance.
  • We are quality certified and work with ongoing improvements. In this manner, we minimise our use of resources and waste in relation to the use of materials, etc.
  • We sort our waste and residual products for recycling, for example via the organisations REFOOD and THE UPCYCL
  • We carry out energy audits of the entire company, so that on an ongoing basis we reduce our climate impact through relevant investments.
  • We have invested in heat pumps, which has allowed us to reduce our climate impact from heating by 80%.
  • We have installed LED lighting and hand-free taps to reduce our climate impact.
  • We are about to phase out single-use plastic and replace it with compostable materials.
  • We have introduced a "too good to go" scheme in the canteen, so that we minimise food waste.
  • Since 2020, we have received certified green power from wind turbines.
  • We purposely work to reduce our CO2 emissions. This is why in 2021, we carried out our first climate audit, just as we have entered into a climate partnership agreement with Vejle Municipality.


  • We do not use conflict minerals, and we ask our suppliers for documentation showing they do not supply conflict minerals.
  • We carry out anti-corruption and human rights training with selected employees.
  • We have a whistle-blower scheme, so that our employees can safely and securely report any violations of the law or of JEVI values.

What does the NIBE Group do?

The NIBE Group External link, opens in new window., which JEVI is a member of, has chosen to work actively with six of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals.
The focus areas chose by NIBE are:

  • #7 Affordable and clean energy
  • #8 Decent work and economic growth
  • #9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • #11 Sustainable cities and communities
  • #12 Responsible consumption and production
  • #16 Peace, justice and strong institutions