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At JEVI A/S, we have chosen to follow the recommendations of the Danish authorities, thus making our contribution to limiting the spread of coronavirus.

This means that we will kindly ask all visitors to our office in Vejle to wear a mask during the visit and present a Corona passport upon arrival.

We want to do our best to keep up with the Danish industry and therefore maintain full customer support, technical advice, answering customer inquiries and order handling. This is possible as we work from home and at the office in turn.

Our production will also continue. However, precautions will be taken here in relation to personal safety, which may result in longer delivery times than usual.

We promise that we will do our utmost to help you but hope for your understanding if we do not act as quickly as you are used to.

Take good care of yourself and your loved ones.

We need to help each other, to get through the next time without many new Covid-19 infected.

For further information regarding visiting Denmark, please find more information at this link: https://en.coronasmitte.dk/travel-rules/covidtravelrules External link.


All the best from all of us at JEVI A/S